Friday 9 September 2011

The various Gastrointestinal Disorders

All the diseases concerning the digestive system from mouth, esophagus, stomach, three parts of the duodenum, the small intestines, large intestines, and sigmoid colon, rectum, to anus including liver, pancreas, bile duct, and gallbladder are labeled under of gastrointestinal disorders and are generally treated by a GI specialists or gastrointestinal physician.

The various diseases that cause gastrointestinal disorders are - esophagitis (generally candidiasis), gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, hiatal hernia, esophageal motility disorder, esophageal strictures, gastritis, peptic ulcer (gastric and duodenal), pyloric stenosis, gastroparesis, enteritis (duodenitis, jejunitis, ileitis), appendicitis, functional colonic disease, diverticulitis, enterocolitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, bowel obstruction, intussusception, fecal impaction, diarrhea (infectious), proctitis, rectal prolapse, anal fissure, hepatitis cirrhosis, fatty liver, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gallstones/cholecystolithiasis, hernia, peritonitis (spontaneous bacterial peritonitis), hematemesis, hematochezia, and irritable bowel disease.

Some common allopathic medications for acidity, constipation, diarrhea, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are Antacids, Alginates, H2-Antagonists, Stimulant Laxatives, Osmotic Laxatives, Bulking Agents, Lubricating Agents, Oral Rehydration Sachets, Kaolin and Morphine, Loperamide, Aminosalicylates, Corticosteroids.

Ayurvedic medicines or herbal medicines have a host of medicines for gastrointestinal disorders that provide relief to the gastrointestinal disorders. Aloe Vera, Angelica, Anise, Basil, Bee Balm, Caraway, Catnip, Cayenne, Chamomile, Chervil, Chicory, Coriander, Dandelion, Dill, Fennel, Feverfew, Goldenrod, Goldenseal, Green tea, Ground Ivy, Hyssop, Lantana, Lavender, Lovage, Marjoram, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Radish, Rosemary, Sage, St. John's Wort, Savory (Summer), Thyme, Tansy, Tarragon, Valerian, Yarrow and Plantain are some of the herbal medicines.

Natural means of eliminating gastrointestinal disorders are maintain optimal intake of nutrients, improving digestion, preventing allergies and sensitivities, repairing damaged stomach and intestinal lining, cleaning out and flushing the liver, gallbladder and intestines, replace the good bacteria or the probiotics and eliminating infection causing microorganisms, and normalizing the function of the autonomic nervous system that helps in gut functioning.

Yoga exercises help in improving digestion by stimulating the stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines. Yoga also helps in increasing food absorption, reducing acid, reducing gas, and eliminating constipation problems. Some yoga exercises for eliminating gastrointestinal disorders are child pose, the cobra pose, Pranayama, Bhadrasana (Beneficial pose), and Viparita Karani.

Thursday 8 September 2011

The various Cancer types and Cancer treatments - by Mohit Jain

Cancer study and cancer treatment has become one of the most important medical science occupations. Carcinoma, Sarcoma, and Leukemia are the basic three types of cancer. Ayurveda science also recognizes these three types of cancers and names them as uttana arbuda, gambhir arbuda, and rasdhtvagni vikara arbuda respectively.

Although, the reason of contracting cancer or getting diagnosed with cancer cannot be pinpointed, but we can definitely know the risk factors that add to the probability of developing cancer. Every type of cancer has diverse risk factors. Use of tobacco, certain diets, alcohol, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and exposure to cancer causing agents (carcinogens) in the environment or the workplace are very potent risk factors apart from genetic and familial disposition. Whatever reasons or risk factors (stresses, eating habits, consumption of tobacco, and alcohol) may be, a compromised immune system allows cancer to get foothold in our body. Generally, a problem of both the strength and of the workload of the Immune System and strengthening of the immune system does help in cancer treatment.

A number of studies and research have been done on herbal cancer treatment. Several herbs such as astragalus, dong quai, echinacea, asian ginseng, Iscador, Saw Palmetto, Birch, Aloe Vera, etc., supposedly "boost" the immune system and reinforcing the body against future or existing cancer. Then ginger and some other herbs help ease nausea that is caused by allopathic cancer therapies.

There are also some herbal cancer treatments which help alleviate side effects of chemotherapy and radiation are astragalus, blood root, and boswellia serrata. astragalus increases adrenal cortical function and gastrointestinal toxicity. By application of bloodroot, within minutes response is obtained and it affects the tissue at actual site where the paste is applied. A dry extract of boswellia notably helps regression in the tumors.

Naturopaths that for natural cancer treatments one needs to restore the body's vital energy. This energy runs its course easily through channels/meridians/energy centers/chakras that run throughout the body also called pranic energy. Whenever there is a disharmony because of physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual causes it gets inactivated or obstructed and then symptoms of ill health or diseases are expressed. Natural cancer treatment is based on the fact that the immune system should be optimum to fight against cancer diseases. Natural cancer treatment believe in getting lots of fresh air, pure water, eating wholesome natural foods, enough rest, daily exercise, and getting sun every day. We should do everything in moderation.

Here is a list of things we need to follow for natural cancer treatment: Do away with artificial sugar and junk food, do away with high fat diet as they have been linked with increased cancer risk. Maintain a raw diet - Eating just raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and sprouted grains, Quit eating between meals. Drinking carrot juice daily is good for health, drinking pure soft water, take daily sunbaths, Walk bare feet on soil and green grass every day, Deep breaths to take plenty of fresh air along with Regular exercise, and Get adequate sleep every day.

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About the Author:

Cow Urine Therapy is an ancient therapy part of Ayurveda which has been re-established by study and research. Cow urine contains various elements which are present in our body and required by our body. It tries to balance those elements if they are more or less hence re establishing the equilibrium for a healthy body. Cow's urine is very much capable of natural cancer treatment. For more information on herbal cancer treatment visit our website at