Friday 14 October 2011

Cow urine and ear, nose, and throat disorders

Ear nose and throat disorders or ENT disorders caused due to different allergies, climatic conditions, and various disease caused by microorganisms like bacteria, viruses and fungus. ENT disorders range from hearing problems (deafness), balance malady (vertigo), disorders of smell, taste, speech, and voice, language disorders, problems of vocal cords, and a variety of cancers like oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, thyroid cancer, and parotid and salivary gland cancers. The diseases of ENT are rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngeal tumor, and tongue tumors, fungal infection of throat, chronic suppurative otitis, tinnitus, and earache, itching of tympanic membrane, hardness of hearing, otorrhoea, and epistaxis or bleeding from nose.

Different types of antibiotics, antiviral, and antifungal medications are required to cure infectious ENT diseases after proper diagnosis by and ENT specialist. ENT disorders like hearing disorder, imbalance, and tumors have to be initially assessed before beginning the treatment, which could be medications or surgery.

Research has shown that cow urine augments the phagocytic action of macrophages and is very helpful in preventing and managing bacterial infections. The secretion of interleukin-1 and interleukin-2 increases by cow urine and prevents inflammation by releasing phagocytes that kill the infected cells. The five products of the cow, namely – milk, curd, ghee, cow urine and cow dung called Panchagavya in Ayurveda have exceptional medical properties independently as well as in mixture without any bad side effects.

Our Ayurveda books acclaim that by using cow urine we can enhance resistance to various diseases by up to 104%. Distilled cow urine is successful in treating flu, arthritis, bacterial diseases, food poisoning, indigestion, edema, and leprosy. The variety of elements present in cow urine such as Urea, Uric acid, Manganese, and Carbolic Acid have strong antibacterial properties while uric acid also assists in control of cancer-causing substances. Epithelium growth factors refurbish and regenerate damaged tissues and cells. Allantoine helps in curing wounds and tumors. Anti-cancer substance such as Antineoplaston, H-11 beta-iodole-acetic acid, directine, and 3-methyl glyoxal help in treating and normalizing of cancer cells. Lactose Sugar prevents giddiness. Both Creatinine and Swama Kshar are antibacterial. Swama Kshar also improves immunity and is a potent antidote.

Also read our article about different treatments for ENT Disorders